The Jesus Prayer: Annotated Bibliography and Internet Resources


Bacovcin, Helen (translator). The Way of the Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way, (New York: Image Books, 1992). The story of a pilgrim who after suffering great loss spends his life wandering in the forests visiting monasteries and searching for someone who could teach him to pray without ceasing.

Bloom, Metropolitan ANTHONY. Living Prayer, (Springfield, IL: Templegate Publishers, 1966). Chapter 6 is devoted to the Jesus Prayer and Metropolitan ANTHONY makes the argument that the Jesus Prayer is a prayer of silence, see especially page 103.

Brianchaninov, Ignatius. On the Jesus Prayer, (Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element Books Limited, 1952). A thorough treatment of the Jesus Prayer with many scriptural and Philokalia references.

Chariton, Igumen of Valamo. The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology, (London: Faber and Faber, 1977). 271 pages of teaching about prayer. Consider especially chapter three.

Colliander, Tito. Way of the Ascetics, (Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1988). Chapter 25 in this excellent book is a short meditation on the Jesus Prayer as the way of the cross.

Gillet, Lev. On the Invocation of the Name of Jesus, (Springfield, IL: Templegate Publishers, 1985). Detailed, practical and contains good historical information.

Kadloubovsky, E. and G.E.H. Palmer. Writings from the Philokalia On The Prayer of the Heart, (London, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1979). The Philokalia is a collection of writing from the Fathers who reached the highest levels of prayer. The Philokalia along with Scripture is what the Pilgrim in the Way of the Pilgrim carried with him.

Theophan the Recluse, Editor. Unseen Warfare, (Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990). This is the classic text on prayer in the Orthodox tradition.

Ware, Bishop Kallistos. The Power of the Name, (Convent of the Incarnation, Fairacres, Oxford: SLG Press, 1986). It is short, excellent and possibly the best book to read for group discussion and training.

Zaleski, Irma. Living the Jesus Prayer, (Toronto, Canada: Novalis, 1997). This book’s intention is to teach the Jesus Prayer as a healing expression of a relationship with God.

Internet Resources on the Jesus Prayer including the heavily relied on “Saying the Jesus Prayer” by Dr. Albert Rossi

The Jesus Prayer by Fr. Steven Peter Tsichlis (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America)

Saying the Jesus Prayer by Albert S Rossi (St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary)

The Jesus Prayer by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom

On Practicing the Jesus Prayer by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov

Introduction to the Jesus Prayer by Mother Alexandra

Prayer of Jesus or Prayer of the Heart by Archimandrite Fr. Jonah Mourtos

The Power of the Name by Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia

An Orthodox Christian Study on Unceasing Prayer by John K. Kotsonis, Ph.D.

Becoming the Jesus Prayer by Fr. Michael Plekon

The Jesus Prayer by Ken E. Norian, TSSF

Hieromonk Ilie Cleopa preaching on the levels of the Prayer of the Heart (video)

The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart (online book) by Fr. Theophanes (Constantine)

The Jesus Prayer A site for gazing (English and Greek)

Russian tradition in worship of God’s Name and the Jesus Prayer (Russian)

On the Jesus Prayer Greek site in English with practical advice

“Death to the World” an Orthodox Ascetic Website


Filed under Contemplative Prayer, The Jesus Prayer

3 responses to “The Jesus Prayer: Annotated Bibliography and Internet Resources

  1. You have made an excellent contribution for those who use the Jesus prayer or are considering using it as part of their prayer rule. I appreciate your thoroughness. You have also provide some important updates for our cathedral website on Orthodox prayer I have been recently updating the pages on the Jesus prayer and would appreciate your comments and suggestions.

  2. What a great list of books and resources! Thank you!

  3. Stavros

    Great list. Thanks for compiling these resources for us!

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